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get Devices

Get all devices under a registry

Path Parameters
    registryId string required

    Registry ID

    subscriptionId string required

    Subscription ID

Query Parameters
    pageNumber integer

    Page Number

    pageSize integer

    The maximum number of devices to return in the response. If this value is zero, the service will select a default size.

    fieldMask string

    The fields of the Device resource to be returned to the response. The fields id and numId are always returned, along with any other fields specified. A comma-separated list of fully qualified names of fields. Example:

    deviceIds string[]

    A list of device string IDs. For example, ['device0', 'device12']. If empty, this field is ignored. Maximum IDs: 10,000

    deviceNumIds string[]

    A list of device numeric IDs. If empty, this field is ignored. Maximum IDs: 10,000.

    gatewayListOptions.associationsDeviceId string

    If set, returns only the gateways with which the specified device is associated. The device ID can be numeric (num_id) or the user-defined string (id). For example, if 456 is specified, returns only the gateways to which the device with num_id 456 is bound.

    gatewayListOptions.associationsGatewayId string

    If set, only devices associated with the specified gateway are returned. The gateway ID can be numeric (num_id) or the user-defined string (id). For example, if 123 is specified, only devices bound to the gateway with num_id 123 are returned

    gatewayListOptions.gatewayType string

    If GATEWAY is specified, only gateways are returned. If NON_GATEWAY is specified, only non-gateway devices are returned. If GATEWAY_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED is specified, all devices are returned.



    devices object[]
    id string

    Possible values: >= 3 characters and <= 256 characters

    name string
    numId string
    parent string
    registry string
    blocked boolean
    capresent boolean
    subscription string
    createdOn string
    updatedOn string
    credentials object[]
    expirationTime string
    id string
    publicKey object
    format string

    Possible values: [RSA_PEM, ES256_PEM, RSA_X509_PEM, ES256_X509_PEM]

    key string
    gateway string[]
    gatewayConfig object
    gatewayAuthMethod string


    gatewayType string

    Possible values: [NON_GATEWAY, GATEWAY]

    isGateway boolean
    deviceErrors string
    clientOnline boolean
    lastConfigAckTime string
    lastConfigSendTime string
    lastErrorStatus object
    code integer
    details string
    message string
    lastErrorTime string
    lastEventTime string
    lastHeartbeatTime string
    lastStateTime string
    logLevel string

    Possible values: [INFO, ERROR]

    metadata object
  • property name* string
  • config object
    acknowledged boolean
    binaryData string
    cloudUpdateTime string
    deviceAckTime string
    version integer
    state object
    binaryData string
    updateTime string
    policy object
    Connect boolean
    PublishState boolean
    PublishEvents boolean
    PublishEventsRegex string
    PublishLoopback boolean
    SubscribeCommand boolean
    SubscribeCommandRegex string
    SubscribeBroadcast boolean
    SubscribeBroadcastRegex string
    SubscribeConfig boolean
    tcpUdpModelDetails object
    id uint32
    modelName string
    manufacturer string
    image object
    valid boolean
    contentType string
    storageKey string
    link string
    data binary
    tcpDetails object
    enabled boolean
    port uint32
    udpDetails object
    enabled boolean
    port uint32
    metadata object
    createdAt date-time
    updatedAt date-time
    tcpUdpModelId number
    isTcpUdpDevice boolean
    pageNumber integer
    pageSize integer
    totalCount integer