📄️ Getting-Device-Last-Seen-List
With OmniCore, you can get a list of devices sorted by last seen.
📄️ Getting-Device-State
With OmniCore, you can control a device by modifying its configuration. A device configuration is an arbitrary, user-defined blob of data. After a configuration has been applied to a device, the device can report its state to OmniCore.
📄️ Configuring devices
With Omnicore, you can control a device by modifying its configuration. A device configuration is an arbitrary, user-defined blob of data. After a configuration has been applied to a device, the device can report its state to Omnicore.
📄️ Sending Commands to devices
You can use OmniCore to send commands to devices. Commands are transitory, one-time directives sent to devices that are connected to OmniCore and subscribed to the commands topic.
📄️ Logs
With OmniCore, you can specify a log topic to send log events. There are two types of logging: ERROR and INFO. ERROR logging captures device communication errors, while INFO logging captures general information about communication from devices. Both the log topic and type can be configured at the registry level.